Volume 4, Issue 2 (17 2004)                   ijdld 2004, 4(2): 47-53 | Back to browse issues page

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Najafi M, Mirhoseini S M, Moghani Lankarani M, Assari S, Tavalaie S A. FAMILY SATISFACTION FROM POINT OF VIEW OF DIABETIC AND NON-DIABETIC PARES.. ijdld 2004; 4 (2) :47-53
URL: http://ijdld.tums.ac.ir/article-1-414-en.html
Abstract:   (7864 Views)
Background: Family satisfaction in subpopulations referred to the endocrine clinic including diabetic and non diabetic patients and their spouses are compared in the present study. This study also assesses the correlation between family satisfaction and variables such as age, sex, educational level, economic status, type of diabetes, duration of the disease, type of therapy and dosage of drugs. A comparison of the frequency of sexual dysfunction between diabetics and non-diabetic pairs was also done.
Methods: In this case- control study, 400 subjects were selected as simplified non-randomized method from outpatients referred to the Shahre Kord endocrine clinic in 2002. We assigned samples to group I (diabetic patients, n=100), group II (diabetic patients spouses, n=100), group III (non-diabetic patients, n=100) and group IV (non-diabetic patients spouses, n=100). Groups I and II were similar in sex, socioeconomic status and educational level. GRIMS family relationship questionnaire was used to evaluate family satisfaction.
Results: Family satisfaction for diabetics in comparison with non-diabetics (P=0.05), diabetics in comparison with their spouses (P=0.003), and non-diabetics in comparison with their spouses (p=0.002) were significantly less. There was no significant difference between family satisfaction in diabetic and non-diabetic patients spouses (p>0.05). Relative frequency of sexual dysfunction was 76% and 29% and relative frequency of decreased libido was 32% an 12%, in diabetic and non- diabetic couples, respectively. Family satisfaction was less in patients with diabetes type I and whom using higher dosage of drugs.
Conclusion: This study emphasized on the attention to the family as a part of approach to the diabetic patients. According to our results, it is recommended to focus the most attention in this field to the patients with type I diabetes and who consume more amounts of drugs.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2004/07/22 | Accepted: 2005/02/3 | Published: 2013/09/21

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