Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism- Submission Instruction
Authors Guide

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  Technical Points in writing and submitting articles
1. The text of articles (including numbers, tables and descriptions of figures) should be in Persian and while observing the principles of writing etiquette, as much as possible to avoid the use of foreign terms that have a suitable Persian equivalent.
2. On the first page (Title page), the title of the article, the names of the authors, their affiliation as a Department / University / City / Country of along with their academic rank and submission date should be entered. Also, telephone, fax, e-mail, mobile number and postal address of the corresponding author should be stated on this page. On the first page, "running title" (up to 40 characters) that is repeated at the top of each page of the article and the total number of figures and tables of the article should be included.
3. On the second pages, the structured abstract of the article should be written in Persian (maximum 250 words) which consists of four sections: Introduction, Methods, Findings and Conclusions. Following each abstract, at the bottom of the same page, provide 3 to 6 keywords (based on MeSH Headings).
4. The main sections of the research articles, including Introduction, Materials and Methods, Findings, and Discussion, should be given in the next following pages.
5.  For tables and figures, the following points should be considered:
ü  Figures and tables should be placed in their place in the text
ü  Figures and tables should have a clear title and a comprehensive legend.
6. Numbers and figures listed in the tables should be mentioned only up to one decimal place.
7.  Note that the photos should be original and their direction should be specified. Also, the size of the figure should not exceed 204 × 254 mm.
8. References should be cited with number in the text in the order of appearance in square bracket [5,7] and at the end of the article according to the following examples. In case of more than six authors, list the names of the first six and then use "et al”.
Authors Guide
Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism is official Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in collaboration with the Endocrinology Association and publishes the latest scientific and research findings on diabetes and blood lipid diseases, articles related to epidemiology and research methods, evidence-based medicine and epidemiological articles. Articles submitted to the journal are divided into five main types, which are:
Short Report: To discuss and comment on a specific topic that can be in addition to scientific issues, including social aspects.
Research Article: To present the results of a research work in accordance with the principles and rules of medical research. This type of article, in addition to the abstract, should include four main sections: Introduction, Methods, Findings, and Discussion.
Review article: To present the latest scientific findings on a specific topic and in a way that has a self-learning aspect. Review articles are accepted only through the journal invitation
Case report: To introduce a case or cases that is rarely seen in medicine.
Letter to the Editor: To comment on the material published in previous issues of the journal or to raise an issue in a concise manner.
- The editorial board of the journal welcomes your articles for other sections of the journal as well.
General Principles of Writing and Submitting Articles
1. The article has not been previously published in Persian language journals or is not in the publication process in other journals.
2. The author or authors take responsibility for the scientific accuracy of the content of their article.
3. References and documents should be mentioned in all types of articles with full address (according to the journal instruction). It is necessary to observe this principle, especially in the case of images and tables taken.
4. The principles of the Helsinki Declaration and the rules of medical ethics have been observed in conducting research.
5. The source of support and funding for the project should be given in acknowledgement section at the end of the article and before the list of references.
6. The authors should introduce two or three expert reviewers in the field of their article. However, the right to select reviewers is reserved for the editorial board.
7. The editorial board of the journal is free to reject or accept submitted manuscripts.
8. Submit an English abstract of the article.
9. In case of approval and acceptance of the article, the author transfers all material and intellectual rights of the article to the journal.

10. The submitted article must be original and must not have been published elsewhere in any form or language (partial or complete), unless the new work is an extension of the previous work. (Please be transparent about reusing the material to avoid worrying about recycling "self-plagiarism").
Important Note: The journal uses specialized software such as iThenticate to investigate plagiarism.
-Vega KJ, Pina I, Krevsky B. Heart transplantation is associated with an increased risk for pancreatobiliary disease. Annals of Internal Medicine 1996; 124: 98-103.

Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and Leadership Skills for Nurses, 2nd edition. Albany (NY): Delmer Publishers; 1996.

Translated Book
Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM (editors). Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management, 2nd edition. New York. Raven Press; 1995. p 465-78
Kaplan SJ. Posthospital Home Health Care: The Elderly's Access and Utilization [dissertation]. St. Louis (MO). Washington University; 1995
Abstract in Congress
Anderson JC. Current status of chorion villus biopsy. In: Tudenhope D, Chenoweth J (editors). Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Australian Perinatal Society; 3-6 September 1986; Brisbane, Australia; Queensland: Australian Perinatal Society; 1987. p 190-6.
Web Pages
Moore PA, Orchard T, Guggenheimer J, Weyant RJ. Diabetes and Oral Health Promotion: A Survey of Disease Prevention Behaviors. American Dental Association.  (Updated: 8 September 2000)

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