Volume 6, Issue 1 (19 2006)                   ijdld 2006, 6(1): 45-50 | Back to browse issues page

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Farajzadeh Sheikh A, Zahdei Asl S, Asgarisabzkoohi N, Berihami S. THE EFFECTS OF GROUND SESAME SEEDS (ARDEH) AND SUNFLOWER OIL ON THE SERUM LIPID PROFILE OF THE RATS. ijdld 2006; 6 (1) :45-50
URL: http://ijdld.tums.ac.ir/article-1-336-en.html
Abstract:   (31909 Views)
Background: A high dietary lipid intake is an important mediator of cholesterolemia and cardiovascular disease. Oils such as Sesame oil are not thought to contribute to such complications although information on the subject seems to be spare and contradictory. Since the ground seed of Sesame or “Ardeh” is commonly used in certain parts of this country (Iran), so its effects on the serum lipid profile of the rats have been investigated.
The study was performed on six groups of male Wistar albino rats (10 in each group) weighing 300-350 gr. Ardeh was prepared by grinding the seeds after they had been roasted at 60ºC. To prepare a high cholesterol diet, 1% cholesterol and 0.5% cholic acid was added. Group 1 consumed the ordinary diet 2 the ordinary diet plus Ardeh (24%), 3 the ordinary diet plus sunflower oil (10%), group 4 the high cholesterol diet, 5 the high cholesterol diet plus Ardeh, and group 6 the high cholestrol diet plus sunflower oil, all for 30 days. Blood samples were obtained and sera were used to determine the lipid profile
The results of the study revealed that addition of Ardeh to the ordinary diet decreased serum cholesterol level significantly (P<0.01) in group 2 (38.2±2.3 mg/dl) as compared to the group 1 (49.9±5.9). Ardeh and sunflower oil had a similar effect on the groups, which consumed the high cholesterol diet. Ardeh also reduced the triglyceride level significantly (P<0.01) in group 2 (65.1±7.6 mg/dl) as compared to group 1 (106.3±15.1). Presence of both Ardeh and sunflower in the diets failed to affect HDL, but VLDL levels in group 2 (13.0±1.5 mg/dl) were significantly (P<0.01) lowered as compared to group 1 (21.2±3).
From the results of this study it appears that Ardeh can have a beneficial effect on lipid profiles and its addition to the diet is recommended.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2006/10/7 | Accepted: 2007/02/9 | Published: 2013/10/3

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