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1- Medical Genomics Research Center, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Personalized Medicine Research Center, Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinical Sciences Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , mandanahasanzad@yahoo.com
3- Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center, Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinical Sciences Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4- Elderly Health Research Center, Endocrinology and Metabolism Population Sciences Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
5- LifeandMe, Inc., Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (139 Views)
Background: Pharmacogenomics (PGx), as a growing field of personalized medicine, aims to optimize the efficacy and safety of medications by studying the association between germline genetic variations and drug responses. The present cross-sectional study aims to evaluate the allele frequency of the NUDT15 genetic variant in the Iranian population to provide insights into personalized treatment decisions in the Iranian population.
Methods: A representative sample set of 1142 unrelated healthy Iranian individuals aged 18 and older genotyped using the Infinium Global Screening Array-24 BeadChip.
Results: We identified a pharmacogenetic variant with minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥1% among the present studied population which may explain the substantial variability in drug response phenotypes among different populations
Conclusion: The results of our study reveal significant genetic variation among Iranian populations that could significantly influence clinical decision-making. This study shows the frequency pattern of the effective variant of NUDT15 in determining the phenotype in Iranian population.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/09/9 | Accepted: 2024/12/4

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